
A-Z: Reasons to be Thankful

Happy thanksgiving, you turkey lovers! You can obviously tell by the name of the holiday, but this is a time for being thankful. I tag you to write from A to Z things you're thankful for. It doesn't have to be a full elegant sentence, but it also doesn't have to be a one word answer. Write what you feel. Hopefully this will bring you a thankful spirit. Here's mine!

A- Acceptance. Thank you to those who accept me as I am. 
B- Books. They take you to another world. 
C- Clothes. I'm blessed to have an abundance and nice clothing to wear.
D- Dreams. A dream is a wish your heart makes.
E- Education. Many people don't get the opportunity.
F- Food. America is blessed with so much!
G- GOD! He is our Almighty Creator and we are nothing without Him!
H- Health. I am blessed with a healthy body.
I- Imagination. We wouldn't have a lot without it. 
J- Journals. A way to express your feelings. 
K- Kindness. It's free but worth so much. 
L- Laughter. It's timeless.
M- Music. A form of expression. 
N- Now. It's great to live in the moment!
O- Opportunities. This gives us chances. 
P- Parents. What could you do without them?
Q- Questions. It's what motivates us.
R- Relationships. Being alone is a difficult way to live.
S- Sunrise. A symbol of a new day.
T- Thoughts. I have a lot of them. 
U- USA. America is blessed to be one of the richer nations through God.
V- Vacations. Whether big or small, they let me relax.
W- Wifi. It's just awesome.
X- X Chromosomes. They make me, ME!
Y- Youth. I am able to move around with ease.
Z- Zeal. What's life without excitement!

Stay thankful! ---Emily: The Girly Girl Department <3

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