
Pimples Be Gone!

"I absolutely hate waking up and seeing a pimple on my face. I mean, come on! I wash my face every morning and night, what am I doing wrong?" This is a question I'm pretty sure many of you teenagers have asked yourself. Although you wash your face every morning and night (keep it up) there are many other factors that help your skin become smooth as a baby's butt, just keep reading on!

1. Choose healthier foods!
I know pizza and sodas are the basic foods of life, but the only thing it brings to life are those nasty pimples. The grease in the pizzas that you put in your bodies are adding in unwanted oils into your body, which you guessed it, creates pimples. Some ingredients in the soda may trigger the body to produce a breakout. Yikes!

2. Use makeup sparingly!
During an untimely breakout, try to avoid wearing foundation, concealer, powder, etc. If you choose to wear makeup, remember to wash it all off. There are risks of clogged pores, premature wrinkles, and red skin if you forget. 

3. Keep your hair (and hair products) off your face!
Gel, mousse, hair spray; we put so many products in our hair to make it look good, but have you ever considered that your hair products might be causing your pimples? When you style your hair, keep the product off of your skin. And if you find you get acne on your forehead, reconsider having bangs. They cover your forehead and deposit natural hair oils and dead skin cells from the scalp onto your skin. This can clog the pores and leads to breakouts.

4. Watch your ZZzzzzZzzzZ's!
Be sure to frequently change you pillow covers. Bacteria may grow on them, and because we place our heads and face on there, the bacteria will move onto our skin and cause a nasty zit.

5. Hands!
I know almost 99.9% of the population of teenage girls have a habit of placing their hands onto their face - especially in class. Don't do this! This step is so important, but difficult to do. Imagine where your hands have been and then placing it onto your face. Bleh!!!

6. Moisturize!
Many acne products contain ingredients that dry the skin, so always use a moisturizer that minimizes dryness and skin peeling. Look for "noncomedogenic" on the label, which means it should not cause acne.  There are moisturizers made for oily, dry, or combination skin.

7. Too much sun!
A little bit of sun can reduce breakouts, but too much can damage your skin and prompt a breakout. If you’re planning to be out in the sun, be sure to load up on sunscreen and moisturizer – these will help keep your skin hydrated and protected from the harmful sun which will equal less breakouts.

8. Take a chill pill!
Some studies link stress with the causes of pimples or acne. Ask yourself what's making you feel stressed. Then look for solutions on ways to chill. 

9. Exercise!
Exercising daily will not only help you look and feel better but it will also help reduce your breakouts. Working out increases the blood flow through the body which will keep your skin looking healthy and radiant. Plus, when you workout, you consume more water and that will definitely help prevent acne breakouts.

10. Hydrate!
Drinking water not only hydrates your skin but it eliminates all of the bad toxins in your body – some of which may have caused earlier breakouts. Consuming around 8 glasses of water a day will keep your skin looking radiant and glowing everyday.

11. Clean your phone!
You dirty fingers have already been touching all over the screen of your phone, and now your pressing it against your face! Remember to clean your phone a few times a week. This is such a simple step to do!

You can also use easy diy at home remedies on my other post: DIY Natural Remedies to Remove Pimples

Good luck! ---Emily: The Girly Girl Department <3

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