
How to Give Back During the Holidays

The holidays are not meant for being greedy and just accepting gifts, like Mr. Scrooge. (Bah!) I decided to make a list of ways to give back during the holidays. It's so much fun, once you get into it, and this isn't just a holiday kind of thing! You should definitely do this year round.

1. Volunteer work

Helping out at a local children's place or putting together meals for the unfortunate is definitely better than sitting around doing nothing. It also helps build character, and makes you feel thankful for what you have.

2. Donate

You know what they say, someone's trash may be someone's  treasure. Go through your closet and pick out clothes, toys, or any items you don't see yourself using very often, and donate it! They will appreciate it, and you'll notice a less stuffy room!

3. Write cards

Something as simple as writing cards does so much! They let your friends and family know how much you appreciate and love them.

4. Care packages

I always feel guilty when I'm in the car, and a homeless man asks for money. Honestly, you don't want to give them money, as they may not spend it on the right things. Instead, make a care package. Put all of the contents in an easily mobile bag.

Here's some ideas to fill it with:
-crackers, or food that doesn't expire
-hand sanitizer
-a first aid kit
-an encouragement letter
-chap stick
-hand lotion

There are so many other ways to give back, be creative! Oh, and only 6 more days until Christmas!

Happy giving! ---Emily: The Girly Girl Department <3

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